Water Heater Repairs & Replacement

Green Tech Plumbing is your premier choice for water heater repair and replacement services across Cook County, IL. Our skilled team of plumbing professionals is adept at managing a wide array of systems, including traditional hot water heaters, advanced tankless models. We take pride in having Navien-certified technicians on board, ensuring specialized expertise in tankless water heater repairs.

Our skilled tradesmen are not just limited to repairs; we also excel in installations and offer insightful consultations to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re exploring options for a more energy-efficient water heater or urgently need to restore your hot water supply, Green Tech Plumbing is here for you around the clock. We understand the importance of having consistent access to hot water, and our commitment to excellence reflects in our 24/7 availability.

Get In Touch – Free Estimates

For a seamless experience and to begin with your complimentary estimate, don’t hesitate to contact us at 847-518-5338. At Green Tech Plumbing, we’re dedicated to ensuring your water heating needs are met with the utmost professionalism and efficiency. Let us help you make the best choice for your home or business today.

When Should Water Heaters Be Replaced.

One of the most critical indicators that it’s time for a water heater replacement is the presence of leaks. Particularly concerning are leaks that originate directly from the tank, as this usually signifies a need for immediate replacement. Additionally, it’s wise to start considering a new hot water heater as the warranty period concludes. Typically, water heaters are accompanied by a 6-10 year warranty, which aligns with the average lifespan of a conventional unit. Proactively replacing your water heater before it fails can prevent unexpected disruptions and potential damage.

It’s important to stay vigilant and monitor your water heater’s performance, especially as it nears the end of its warranty period. Prompt replacement not only ensures consistent access to hot water but also helps in maintaining energy efficiency and safety in your home.

Water Heater Sales & Expert Installation Services

Did you know that, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, nearly 27 million homes have hot water heaters that are over 10 years old? These aging units can significantly contribute to your home’s utility expenses, with hot water heaters alone accounting for about 15% of a typical household’s utility bill. However, investing in a new hot water heater can lead to substantial energy savings over time, effectively offsetting the initial cost.

Choosing the right system is crucial. It’s not just about having ample hot water; it’s also about ensuring your heater operates efficiently. The selection of the appropriate hot water heater and its fuel source plays a significant role in this efficiency.

Considering a Hot Water Heater Upgrade?

If you’re thinking about updating your hot water heater, our licensed plumbers at Green Tech are here to assist. We specialize in replacing outdated and malfunctioning hot water heaters, ensuring you have access to reliable and efficient hot water solutions. For a no-obligation, free consultation, contact us today at 847-518-5338 or reach out to us online via email. Let Green Tech guide you to the perfect water heater solution tailored to your home’s needs.

Hot Water Heater Types: A Guide for Des Plaines, IL Residents

Conventional Hot Water Heaters Conventional hot water heaters maintain a reservoir of hot water, ready for use. These can be powered by either natural gas or electricity. They offer lower upfront costs and typically last between 10 to 15 years. While common, these heaters can lose energy in maintaining the water’s temperature. This standby energy loss can be minimized with an insulated tank.

Tankless / On-Demand Water Heaters Tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, provide hot water instantly and can be powered by gas or electricity. They are more energy-efficient than conventional heaters, often lasting over 20 years. However, their efficiency can be strained under simultaneous usage. Installing multiple units can resolve this issue.

Power Vent Hot Water Heaters Power vent hot water heaters feature a built-in fan to expel exhaust gases. This design minimizes backdraft risks. According to the Energy Center of Wisconsin, these heaters can save approximately $20-$25 annually over traditional models, assuming fuel costs of $1 per therm. They offer flexible installation locations but require an electrical outlet. Note that power outages or tripped GFCI devices can interrupt their operation.

Solar Hot Water Heaters Solar hot water heaters harness solar energy for heating. They can potentially save homeowners up to 50% annually compared to electric and gas heaters and can last over 20 years with minimal maintenance. However, their efficiency might be affected on cloudy days or under heavy usage. Supplementing with a backup storage heater can address this limitation.

Tankless Coil and Indirect Water Heaters These systems use a home’s existing space heating system for water heating, offering an integrated solution for home heating and hot water.

Heat Pump Water Heaters Heat pump water heaters transfer heat from one place to another. They are 2 to 3 times more efficient than conventional water heaters, offering significant cost savings. However, their efficiency is location-dependent; they generate cold air, which may increase heating costs in colder months. This can be mitigated by switching the heater to resistance mode during winter.

Each type of hot water heater has its unique advantages and considerations, suitable for different needs and preferences. Proper installation and maintenance are key to maximizing efficiency and lifespan.

Free Water Heater Estimates – Des Plaines IL – Cook County

Ready to upgrade your water heater or in need of a repair? Don’t wait for your old system to fail. Contact Green Tech Plumbing today to explore our wide range of efficient and cost-effective water heating solutions. Whether you’re interested in a conventional, tankless, solar, or any other type of water heater, our experienced team is here to provide you with expert advice and top-quality installation services. Call us now at 847-518-5338 for a free consultation and let us help you find the perfect water heater to meet your needs and budget. Trust us to ensure that you have reliable and efficient hot water when you need it most. Call Green Tech Plumbing – your hot water experts in Des Plaines, IL.